Getting ready to start my residency at the Maison de Gravure at the start of Jan, with another Languedoc artist. I’m Really looking forward to having some quality time to work with a big press and play around with ideas – daunting though it is . Freedom has its drawbacks.
I’ve got a lot on my mind and its not easy knowing whats most important. The main difference between working in the Uk and here is the light particularly in the last hour before sunset, It becomes condensed and golden in a way that you just dont see in London. I keep working with the gradated drawings over gradated colour – but im not convinced thay something about them – in that everything is transparent – a recurring theme in my work but how to get that onto the page in a fresh and exciting way ?.
Got a small work into 21×21 mini print show in Barcelona today – one of the new Braille prints so i’m pleased about that. Here it is.
‘us and them’ from a series called songs of nature. I chose us and them as this was from the Carrier in Lunel that I visited before sunset and birds had flown down to drink in the dry quarry – they had dug so deep that they hit the water table . It seemed appropriate.